and online giving

01962 862333

Available 24 hours a day


Many families now request charitable donations in lieu of flowers. We are happy to administer these donations on behalf of the family at no additional charge. Individual donations are open for approximately 5–6 weeks after the funeral, after which time we forward all donations received to the nominated charity, asking them to acknowledge safe receipt to the family.
Donating online


Tributes and donations can be made through our ‘Much Loved’ pages. Within the individual Tribute page, you will have the opportunity to make a donation, leave a message for the family, light a candle or contribute a picture.


If you wish to make a donation using a credit or debit card, this can only be done through our ‘Much Loved’ pages. If you are a UK tax payer, you can Gift Aid your donation which will enable the charity to claim back the tax. This can increase the value of your donation by up to 25%.

Orders of service


We cannot accept donations in cash due to UK banking regulations.


If you can only make a donation by cheque, you must make it payable to the chosen charity (we can no longer accept cheques payable to us). Please include a note of the person in whose memory you are donating together with your own name and address. We will acknowledge receipt of your donation if you provide us with your contact details. Donation cheques are held by us for approximately 5–6 weeks after the funeral and are then sent to the nominated charity for processing. If you are a UK tax payer, please print and complete a Gift Aid form to send with your donation.

Donations made online are processed either by the charity directly or via the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). We make no charge in respect of online donations and our website is free for you to use. Where the charity can receive card payments directly there are no processing costs. Where the charity chooses to receive donations via CAF, the processing and administration costs (including credit card charges) are covered by a small deduction from your donation. This is a very efficient and cost effective way for charities to receive donations.
Some charities are not able to accept online donations. Please contact us if you are unable to find a donation page for the person you wish to remember. Please note that we are unable to accept credit or debit card donations directly via our office, card payments for donations can only be made online.
Memorial film
When donating online you will also have the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation. After 5–6 weeks the family will be informed of the total amount donated online, and given personal access to the individual donation website page where they can see the names of those who have made online donations, plus any messages. The family are also given the opportunity to maintain this free, personal tribute website for the future, if they wish.

a funeral

White rose

Our website is designed to offer guidance on the options available, explain the legal complexities involved and help you make the right decisions.

chesil house, an exquisite venue

Chesil House
Our historic 19th century premises have been extensively refurbished to create an exquisite venue for funerals and services for 10–100 people in an unhurried atmosphere.

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We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – simply telephone for professional help when you need it.